Certified to Rock's third algorithm update - Spring 2011

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Hi there, CertifiedToRock is out of date and looking for people who will take over the site (by purchasing it). Interested in doing that? Let us know.

Certified to Rock has recently finished re-calculating ratings, with fresher data and a new algorithm. This is the second update of 2011, after the January 2011 refresh that added 82,000 people in the system. It is the third algorithm update since the April 2010 launch at Drupalcon San Francisco.

The data for this update was collected earlier this year, so won't reflect your most recent work. But, it does include twice as many metrics from across the drupal.org universe as the previous algorithm (which was itself an expansion over the previous number). This means CTR levels should be more accurate for a broader group of contributors.

Distribution of Certified to Rock Levels

The distribution of ratings is still skewed heavily toward the lower end, though folks are creeping on up the ladder.
bar chart of CTR ratings

Count of rockstars CTR Level
8 11
9 10
13 9
46 8
140 7
326 6
333 5
801 4
12203 3
41556 2
26577 1

Newest Drupal Rock Stars

The most amazing new contributor is Danpros (Danang Probo Sayekti) who received a level 7! Two users who both are at the 5 level are dczepierga (Damian Czepierga) (dczepierga on CTR) and amateescu (Andrei Mateescu) (amateescu on CTR). These three had accounts for about a year or less when the resources were gathered for this edition of Certified to Rock.

It's interesting to note the country of residence for these three individuals. Danpros is form Indonesia, Damian is from Poland and Andrei is from Romania. According to Wikipedia, the gross annual wage in each of those countries is $2,103, $8,753 and $4,170 respectively. In my research for my talk about Certifications at Drupalcon Chicago I learned that some traditional certifications like the Oracle program can cost $2,000 to become fully certified, and test takers are prohibited from taking the test if they live in certain countries. The cost of that Oracle certification is roughly 100%, 25%, or 50% of a year's wage for Indonesia, Poland and Romania. Can you imagine spending an entire year's wages to become certified? And that's just the test fee. It doesn't include books, and it assumes you pass every test the first time.

We are very proud to say that anyone who contributes to Drupal can become Certified To Rock, regardless of what country you are from or how much money you make.

New Certified to Rock Field on Drupal.org

In the last update, we publicly announced the availability of json output for a user. As usual, the Drupal community was fast to respond and incorporate the new technology. There's now a Certified To Rock Field for Drupal 7 which takes a drupal.org UID and looks up their CTR level. Great work by Steven Jones (CTR level 7) of Computer Minds.

As always, we hope you enjoy the site, that you'll include a link to your CTR profile on your drupal.org page or blog, and that you'll always keep on rocking in contributions to drupal.org.


Josh Koenig:

the smartest, most creative person in the room may be the guy who just walked in.

you wrote:

His point is that if we only look to current members and contributors to lead us then we will lose out on the people who will really grow the project in the next 5 years.

I am totally agreed!

Certified to Rock is an answer to the question of certification for the Drupal community. Contact us with any private questions.